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Cold Sores

What are Cold Sores?

A cold sore is a red blister which is filled with  fluid. It usually appears on or around the mouth and is caused by a virus called the Herpes simplex type 1 virus.

After the cold sore virus has been contracted it may be in the body for up to 20 days before a cold sore erupts. There is no cure for the Herpes simplex virus -once in the body it lies dormant in the nerve cells after the cold sore has healed. It may flare up at any time causing another cold sore. These flare ups are particularly likely during periods of stress or illness when the immune system is a bit depressed.

The cold sore virus is highly contagious and is contracted by contact with an infected person. It can be spread from person to person by, for example, kissing, sharing of cosmetics, or sharing food or drink.

Symptoms of Cold Sores

A few days before a cold sore erupts many people experience a tingling or burning sensation in the lips. The red raised blister then appears. This is painful and tender to touch. After a few days the blister breaks and a crust or scab forms. Cold sores generally resolve in 7 -10 days but may last longer.

When a person is first infected with the cold sore virus some flu like symptoms may also be experienced with the first eruption.

Treatment and Prevention of Cold Sores
  • Antiviral ointment - this is available over the counter in the pharmacy. It is most effective if it is applied when the tingling sensation is first felt before the eruption and should be applied five times a day for five days.

  • Hydrocolloid patches - these are useful to cover over a cold sore. The hydrocolloid gel helps to protect the cold sore and promotes healing.

  • Lysine - this is a food supplement. It is an essential amino acid (one which we need in our diets). Lysine is available in the pharmacy and helps to prevent and to heal cold sores.

  • A good lip balm with a sunscreen (SPF)- this helps to in it also helps to prevent infection with the cold sore virus and to prevent flare ups.